Native American Art - Sioux Indian Chief on a Horse
Lakota Oglala Sioux South Dakota Reservation Photos 1891 photo of the Indian School located on the Pine Ridge Oglala Indian reservation. An early picture of Oglala Sioux Indian at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota Two Oglala Sioux Indian women and girl photographed in front of their cabin at the Reservation in South Dakota in the early 1930s One of the cabins at the Lakota Oglala Indian reservation taken in 1930. 1891 photo of Young Man Afraid of his Horses at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota
Ogala Lakota Sioux Headdress Picture Gallery Ogala Lakota Sioux Indians with headdresses photographed on an international tour in Germany in 1928. Ogala Sioux couple photographed in Germany in 1928. Ogala Lakota Sioux couple in traditional dress and headdress in Germany in 1928. Lakota Ogala Sioux family with traditional headdress and bead work photographed in 1928 Lakota family photographed in Germany in 1929 with traditional headdress and bead work on their clothing and shoes. Two Lakota Ogala Sioux men photographed in front of a tipi wearing headdresses.
Sioux Indian Religion; Praying to the Great Mystery Sioux Indian's religion: Slow Bull, full-length portrait, facing front, holding the pipe, buffalo skull at his feet "Prayer to the Mystery" Oglala Sioux man, Picket Pin, wearing breechcloth, holding pipe with
mouthpiece pointing skyward, buffalo skull at his feet. Sioux Indian's religion: Slow Bull, full-length portrait, facing front, holding a pipe, buffalo skull at his feet. Sioux Indian religion. praying to the Great Mystery. Slow Bull, squatting, wearing
, holding pipe with the mouthpiece pointing skyward, buffalo skull at his feet. Sioux Indian Religion. The photograph shows Saliva, an Oglala Sioux priest, dressed for the Hu
Kalowa Pi ceremony.
Rare Oglala Sioux Indian Color Tinted Photographs Rare color-tinted photograph of an Oglala Sioux Indian warrior. Believed to date in the late 1800s. Rare color-tinted photograph of an Oglala Sioux Indian dating to the late 1800s
Color Tinted Photographs of the Native American Oglala Sioux Two Oglala Indians Red Cloud and American Horse Color-tinted photograph from the 1800s of an Oglala Sioux Indian on horseback Color-tinted photograph of an Oglala Indian named He-Dog from the late 1800s
Historic Photographs of the Oglala Sioux Indian Tribe Studio photograph of an Oglala Sioux with bow and arrow, Tine and location is unknown Chief Ghost Bull of the Oglala Indian Tribe Photographed in 1899 in Omaha, Nebraska 1898 photo of Chief American Horse of the Oglala Indian Tribe. Circa 1898 Oglala Sioux Indian is known as Young Man Afraid of His Horses photographed in 1888 Chief High Horse of the Oglala Sioux Tribe
Color Photo Gallery of the Sioux Indian Tribe Sioux Indian He Dog with fellow men and boy marching in their Montana camp Jack Red Cloud, Oglala Sioux Indian Sioux Indian Cheif High Horse of the Brule Tribe Sioux Plains Indians on horseback Colorized photo of a Sioux Indian Sioux Indian children in this colored photo High Hawk, Oglala Sioux Indian Cheif
Sioux Indian Iron Nail who was a survivor of Wounded Knee
Color Photo Gallery of the Sioux Indian Tribe Sioux Indian He Dog with fellow men and boy marching in their Montana camp Jack Red Cloud, Oglala Sioux Indian Sioux Indian Cheif High Horse of the Brule Tribe Sioux Plains Indians on horseback Colorized photo of a Sioux Indian Sioux Indian children in this colored photo High Hawk, Oglala Sioux Indian Cheif
Sioux Indian Iron Nail who was a survivor of Wounded Knee